Singing Guide: Sam Sparro

Singing Guide: Sam Sparro

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Sam Sparro

Sam Sparro is a rare gem in the world of pop. Not one to be boxed in, he draws inspiration from genres like funk, neo-soul, and disco to create a unique sound. If you want to learn how to sing like Sam Sparro, here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Analyzing Your Voice

To learn singing like Sam Sparro, start by analyzing your range and discovering your voice type. Singing Carrots has a vocal range test and an article on voice types to help you. Sam Sparro is known to have a tenor voice with a range of approximately D3 to D5, but your voice type may be different.

Step 2: Breathing and Support

Effective breathing is important when learning to sing like Sam Sparro. Singing Carrots has articles on active and passive breathing and breath support to help you get started. Remember that good breath support means breathing with your diaphragm and keeping a straight posture.

Step 3: Open Mouth and Articulation

Sam Sparro's unique style requires good articulation and an open mouth and throat while singing. Check out Singing Carrots' article on why you should open your mouth and throat while singing and another article on articulation to help you achieve this. You can also try the finger bite articulation exercise.

Step 4: Singing with Intuition and Emotion

Sam Sparro's music is infused with emotion, and he sings with intuition and feeling. Singing Carrots has an article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking that can help you achieve this. Practice singing with feeling and put your emotions into your performance.

Step 5: Vocal Technique

Sam Sparro is known for his mix of falsetto and chest voice, and he uses techniques like heavy modal and twang while singing. Singing Carrots has exercises to help you learn contemporary vocal techniques like heavy modal, twang, and vocal distortion. Singing Carrots also has an article on contemporary vocal techniques that can be useful in learning Sam Sparro's vocal style.

Step 6: Songs to Practice

To learn singing like Sam Sparro, practice singing his songs. Some of his popular tracks include:

  • Black and Gold
  • Happiness
  • Cottonmouth

By following these steps and practicing regularly, you can learn to sing like Sam Sparro and develop your own unique style and sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.